I am always amazed at how an idea from an invisible source can become incarnate and tangible. It is both a blessing and a mystery. This week unveiled a small light at the end of the EP recording tunnel. The first glimpse of post-production came into view yesterday as we set acoustic guitar tracks for the song ‘Always’. My home pre-production had been transformed into the first rough mix of a song that bounced out of my head last summer. TAYLOR Studios is steadily working their musical alchemy on this harmonic design and I am looking forward to finishing and hearing the other songs. Work on ‘9Sticks’ begins tomorrow.
On another note, the pc in my home studio appears to be succumbing to the digital demon living inside of it. There is something far more evil than suspected in that low continuous groan emanating constantly from my monitors. This is not a good thing as far as recording the new ideas that are backing up inside my noggin… But alas, I am not a pc exorcist. Time for a new home studio computer… Any suggestions are appreciated (find me on Twitter, Facebook, Here).
FRESH COAST ENTERTAINMENT interviewed me this past week making it the second EP dialogue in a few short weeks. Both interviews were conducted before a full moon. Hmmm…. I’m looking forward to seeing how the online magazine represents the conversation. More marketing and branding sessions are springing out of conversation during studio breaks. Thirsty, yearning, enthusiastic… Patient?
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